Senior Warden: Catherine Mancino
Junior Warden: Fred Reynolds
Peggy Whitten
Elaine Benwell
Clerk of the Vestry: Gail Locke
Treasurer: Angela Hoenninger
Altar Guild: Jeanne, Angie, Gail, Chris, Linda
Worship Leaders: Fred, Gail, Catherine
Preachers: Fred, Catherine, Gail
Intercessors: Gail, Sue W., Cicely, Angie, Cicely, Linda
Acolyte/ Eucharistic Minister: Fred, Gail, Catherine
Lectors: Fred, Gail, Catherine, Cicely, Angie, Jeanne W.
Usher/Greeters: Marc, Mary A., Cicely, Crystal, Vic & Sue W.
Hospitality & Flowers: Angie, Sue W., Gail, Linda, Fred, The Galos family, Peggy
Music: Joel and John
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